"A while ago, it was like you had to start in London and try to get out of there as soon as possible and move to Paris or New York," Pilotto said. "But London Fashion Week is becoming a stronger fashion week. It's great. I guess London has realised it has to support its new talent since there aren't too many of the big old houses."
Of course it is a well-known fact that fashion editors and buyers would often skip London Fashion Week after New York and head straight to Milan. Now with the likes of Anna Wintour attending LFW, as well as a string of British designers returning to the capital to show (e.g. Tom Ford, Stella McCartney, etc) the event is beginning to find its place again within Fashion Month.
"People go because they really enjoy seeing it," not because it's an obligation or a big advertiser or anything," Pilotto said. "Everyone who goes there goes because they're curious. They're excited to see what's coming."
There is no denying it, events such as LFW are helping to open more doors for British designers, a selection of which have recently been brought to New York and Los Angeles by the British Fashion Council to show off their goods. And it seems the trip was worth it for Peter Pilotto with Saks agreeing to carry more of the label for winter. Yipee!
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